Newport Healthcare Reviews

We know that finding the right mental health treatment center can be a difficult decision, so we’ve compiled real client reviews from the web for Newport Academy & Newport Institute.

92% of parents and referring professionals would recommend Newport Healthcare

“The therapists are deeply devoted to their clients.”


Choosing the right treatment center for your child is a daunting task. But choosing Newport Academy near Santa Clara, CA was the absolute best decision for us. The therapists are deeply devoted to their clients’ well-being, and their unique blend of talent and sincerity encouraged our teen to open up and fully engage. This journey has been profoundly impactful for our family.

Newport Academy Review

“I felt an energy that was so uplifting and comforting.”


Going to Newport Academy in Orange, CA was a life changer for me. The first day I stepped in the door, I felt an energy that was so uplifting and comforting. It is clear that the staff at Newport genuinely care and it shows through their attitude and interactions. I have never felt so validated, supported, safe, and cared for in my whole life.

Newport Academy Review

“Perfect first stepping stone.”


Newport Institute is an amazing program, I struggled so much with my mental health prior to attending the program. I’d 100% recommend anyone struggling to give the program a chance, as it’s a perfect first stepping stone to letting your life back on track.

Newport Institute Review

“I’ve been very impressed so far.”


I’m a referring professional who has worked with Newport Academy with several of my clients recently. It can be unnerving to recommend that a parent send their teen to another state for treatment but Newport has made that process very smooth! I was always informed so I was able to work alongside Newport on behalf of my client. I’ve been very impressed so far.

Newport Academy Review

“Realized the extent of my problems.”


I went to Newport in August and had a great experience! I didn’t realize the extent of the problems I had when I got there but they helped me realize what I needed to do to get back on track. I loved the staff and my therapist. Highly recommended!

Newport Institute Review

Real Stories of Hope

Hear about what makes the Newport Healthcare experience so powerful and effective, from our teens, young adults, and parents.

Real Outcomes

Despite the increasing acuity of youth mental health issues, our residential and outpatient treatment programs continue to yield industry-leading results in measures of depression, anxiety, suicide risk, well-being, and family attachment. Discover how we have achieved a 75% decrease in teen suicide risk and 50% decrease in depression with our clients.